Ad Tech

Ad Server
  • Safely store your ad content and easily distribute it across the web
  • Manage all your campaigns in one place, with a few clicks
  • Streamline your ad campaigns through optimized targeting and placement
Ad Tracking
  • Combine post-click and post-view tracking to keep abreast of all conversions
  • Measure your ad performance with exact CTR, CPA, ROI and 37 more marketing metrics
  • Analyze the results and allocate your marketing budget with the utmost efficiency
Data Management Platform (DMP)
  • Identify audience segments and contexts with pinpoint accuracy
  • Boost your precision targeting with big data, AI, and machine learning
  • Increase retention, engagement, and ROI with retargeting ads
Real-Time Bidding
  • Access a huge range of ad inventory across 10 000+ websites and apps worldwide
  • Easily create and manage highly customized bid requests
  • Cherry-pick the most valuable impressions at the most suitable time